For the first time ever, we won't have anyone coming home for Christmas. I suppose it was inevitable as the boys are now grown, with kids of their own, and obligations pulling them in other directions to celebrate the Christmas Holiday.
We're still Christmas shopping and will make a long drive to Wisconsin where we will exchange gifts, marvel at the excitement of grand kids tearing into their packages, and spend some time with our son's family who lives in Kenosha. It seems strange to not be decorating and preparing for the madhouse that usually takes place here at the ranch, but such is life.
So, with no one coming to visit, the real question is whether or not we put up a Christmas tree for just the two of us. It's not like it's much of a chore. After all, it's one of those artificial types that basically requires me to pull it out of the attic and plug the lights into an electric socket. Voila, instant Christmas cheer! But, for whatever the reason, we're not feeling the urge to get it done this year.
When we were younger, and our kids couldn't wait for Christmas to arrive, it was different. First, we always had real trees. Whether we went to cut one ourselves, or simply bought one of the pre-cut trees from one of those "Xmas Tree" places, they were always fresh and filled the living room with the scent of evergreen. Sure, they were messy, but it simply added to the spirit of Christmas.
We also had a tradition that's long since ended. My youngest son's birthday is December 14th, so we would always celebrate his Birthday before we decorated the Christmas tree. It was our way of separating the two events, and making sure his Birthday was a special occasion. Now that he is out on his own that tradition is no longer something we do.
Last week Fed-Ex delivered a small box. Inside was the cutest little live pine tree, complete with a set of lights and a few ornaments. It's meant to serve as a miniature Christmas tree, then to be planted outside where it will grow into a permanent part of the landscape. Dear friends of ours sent it to us, and I think it's an omen.
So, on December 14th, we're going to decorate our little "Live Christmas Tree" and celebrate like we used to do. It may just be the two of us, but it will bring back the memories of many Christmases gone by. Maybe it will even give birth to a new tradition. I certainly hope so, but what do I know.