Friday, November 26, 2010

Is this really Christmas??

Well, it's the day after Thanksgiving and it's the day the retail marketers, big box stores, and shopping experts have all decided is the day that all of America should be excited to join in the madness known as Black Friday.  Talk about a bunch of malarkey.....Who decided that this makes any sense at all, much less the way we should begin to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ?

I can certainly understand it from the retailers' point of view.  They are in business to make money, and this shopping mania that has been artificially created helps to accomplish that goal.  For me, however, I absolutely refuse to participate.  Yes, the bargains are available, but so what?  You know, the best gift you can possibly give a person is not that item you rushed out to purchase at 4:30am on Friday morning, it's your love, your time, and your thoughtfulness throughout the year that really matters.

Don't get me wrong, I think we all should celebrate the Christmas Season and exchange gifts with our loved ones.  It's a tradition that can, and does, bring much joy to our lives.  There's nothing like seeing a child's eyes light up with excitement as they open that special gift. But, I've also seen the true tears of appreciation of someone opening that unexpected hand-knitted scarf that a friend made just for them.  Somehow we need to remove some of the crass commercialism that has invaded the very heart of the Holiday, and replace it with more of the Holy Spirit.

Living in a very rural part of the country, I can easily avoid the hordes of shoppers who flock like lemmings to the stores in the city.  It's much easier for me to shop in some of the local shops for unique gift ideas, and that's exactly what I intend to do.

My old arthritic hands could not begin to hand-knit a scarf, but perhaps I can take the kids out for a very special walk on Christmas night where we can look up at the clear skies, point to the brightest star we see, and tell the true story of Christmas.....something that seems to have fallen from grace in today's society. 

Sometimes it seems like this old cowboy is out of step with the rest of the world, but you know what?  I kinda like it that way.....but, what the heck do I know anyway.

1 comment:

  1. God Bless you Jack, once again you have brought tears to my eyes as you contemplate the path our country has taken towards commercialism. I whole-heartedly agree with your outlook. I was forced to enter a store last night on the way home simply because we needed Milk for breakfast, I couldn't believe the pushing and shoving and at one point a fist fight over imagined bargains. Couldn't get out of there fast enough. I too believe the old fashioned values and ways we were raised are the best ways to celebrate our Saviour's gift to us. I thank you for voicing what we sometimes take for granted and appreciate the opportunity to see what you have blessed us with each time.
    Don't you change a thing "old cowboy" it is our stand for the Lord that sets us apart and will also be what brings us closer together at the Judgment. Forever with Christ is where I want to be.
