Sunday, April 3, 2011

Yes, I'm old and set in my ways....

Recently, I read a rather heated exchange of ideas among several people communicating via that ever so popular venue called Facebook.  It seemed to me that some were simply commenting to incite anger and had little regard for the opinions of the others.  In  a verbal exchange it would have been considered quite rude.

I'm a relative newcomer to this modern "social networking" scene, as I've only been a member for a year or so. Like many of us old-timers I was a little hesitant to get on board, and was finally "forced" to do it in order to follow the comings and goings of our children and to see pictures of the grand children.

It's been an interesting experience and suddenly I find myself checking my page regularly and communicating with friends from all over the world. For the most part it's just chit-chat among friends, verbal jabs, and an occasional serious discussion about the differences of opinion in all things political.  As Alan Jackson sings, "I'm not a political man", and usually I stay on the fringes of these exchanges.  If anything, I try to insert a comment that will lighten the tone a bit. It must be the mediator in me.

Anyway, I'm somewhat surprised at the things people are willing to post on this very public network; compromising photos, inappropriate language, and comments that are sometimes less than flattering. Things that can and do have far reaching effects. 

As a business coach, I see business owners who have taken full advantage of the social network to help market their products and services, and it's a great way to reach new customers and expand sales.  On the other hand I see some business owners, or their employees, post things that are totally inappropriate....Things that can definitely have a negative impact on how they, and their businesses, are perceived.

I'm not really sure why I'm writing this other than it just strikes me as being odd that a person will work so hard at building a reputation, only to risk it by getting a little too loose with what is posted for everyone to see, and writing things they would never say in a face to face conversation.

I'll admit that I'm old and set in my ways, but I was taught that a person's name and reputation should be treasured and protected at all costs.  After all, at the end of the day, what else is there......I guess it's just another one of those things that falls into that abyss known as..... What do I know?


  1. As my Dad would say, "why can't we all just get along and go fishing."

  2. Hear, hear, Jack. We live in such an in-your-face society and I find the petty battles on Facebook to be tiring. I have always felt the least I owe those I meet each day is to be congenial.
