You know what I miss?
No, no, not "Characters" 'cause I'm well acquainted with a lot of "characters" who make my life quite entertaining, and in some instances those folks are people of character as well. In fact, I had breakfast this morning with a few friends who fit that description.......but I digress.
In my work, and that's a word that loosely describes what I do for a living, I have the opportunity to interact with a lot of different people. Some of them are quite successful, while others are striving to be, and others are simply looking for a way to get there without putting forth the effort it takes to make it happen.
Studying people, and what makes them tick, has become a passion of mine. What I've found is that the folks with character are the ones I'm attracted to. Not necessarily the ones who have attained some level of success, but the ones who, whatever their status, have developed core values that make you want to see them succeed.
Sadly, it seems that those traits are becoming less and less prevalent in our society. From our highest elected officials, to the people trying to scam the system for all of the "free stuff" they can lay their hands on......Oh wait, I can't tell the difference anymore. And, you know what's missing, character!
Has everyone abandoned the concept of right and wrong? Have we really become a society where anything goes as long as we get the things we want? Have we become so intolerant of the views of others that we refuse to acknowledge that we can have different opinions about the same issue? It certainly seems to be the case.
Yes, I miss people of character. In fact, I think it's high time that we reintroduce this concept that seems to have taken a leave of absence. Lets start with our families, our schools, in the workplace, and in life. Surely if enough people begin to demand honesty, integrity, and accountability from everyone from their own family members to their elected officials, we can make a difference.
Of course I was raised in a time when we listened to Paul Harvey on the radio, watched Roy Rogers on television, and witnessed Billy Graham impact the lives of thousands with his sermons. Was it a better time, or just a different time that's now a distant memory?
I sometimes lose myself in the thoughts of an old man who seems to be out of step with everything, and who like Don Quixote, is tilting at windmills. Is it worth it......I think so, but as always, What Do I Know.
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