As a part of my "job" I write a weekly column. Some weeks it's a chore to sit in front of the computer and come up with 350 words that fit together in a cohesive, yet informative and entertaining, way. Other times it's a struggle to condense all that I want to say into the allotted space.
Never, I repeat, never do the words jump from my muddled mind to the computer screen in the way that I intend.
Sometimes I pray to simply be in that "happy place" where all things align themselves into perfect order, and where I'm fully satisfied with the result. But, to date, I've written 245 columns, and have never been totally satisfied with a single one. Just this morning I was reviewing some of my past work, and couldn't resist the temptation to edit and rewrite nearly every paragraph.
I can't decide it it's because I'm a perfectionist or it's just my obsessive compulsive nature forcing its way out of the tightly sealed box where I keep it securely locked away. Nah, I'm not obsessive nor compulsive about anything......
Two hundred and forty-five weekly columns; nearly five years (actually it's 4.71 years); eighty-five thousand seven hundred and fifty words (approximately); four hundred and ninety hours (two hours per column).....and so on and so forth...
But really, who's keeping track, certainly not me.
My partner and I recently developed a website for our's pretty cool, even though I know nothing about how things like that work. If I truly was obsessive and compulsive, I'd constantly be meddling with it; changing this and tweaking that.....sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Our marketing advisor has suggested that I write a weekly column, or blog, for the website. She says that it will help to give our clients an insight to the personal side of that's a scary thought!
I'm considering it!!
Another deadline, another struggle with words, logic, sentence structure, content, ideas, advice, and writers' block........what am I thinking!
As usual, not thinking leads me right back to that "happy place" of What Do I Know.
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