Friday, February 18, 2011

This is not the headline I had envisioned....

One week ago I woke up to minus twenty degrees and frozen pipes in the utility the thermometer topped out at eighty-one and I ran the a/c in the car.  You gotta love winter in the country's heartland.  No long johns or insulated boots needed today, and in fact, this long sleeve shirt is just a bit too warm.  No complaints from me!

This time of the year I'm just thankful for any day that stays above freezing, especially as my cows are getting  close to calving.  There's nothing worse than waking up to a freezing rain, going out to check the livestock, and finding a half frozen calf clinging to life. Fortunately for me those times have been few and far between, and I'd like to keep it that way.

It was so nice today that I took Molly and Maddie, our two Labs, for a walk across the pasture to check on the progress of a couple of cows that are nearing their "time".  We made this same trek yesterday, taking a side trip to the pond to check the ice that was still covering the surface.  I was happy to see it rapidly melting away, but it was still a danger for the cattle who might venture out on it.  Just last night a news story reported the loss of 52 steers that had fallen through the ice and died.  A truly sad event, and a huge financial loss for the rancher.

While we were standing at the side of the pond both dogs decided to scamper out to the middle, and I could just imagine myself having to wade through the freezing water, breaking ice along the way, to rescue the two of them.

"Man succumbs to freezing water trying to save dogs"  

This is not the headline I had envisioned to announce my untimely passing.  Fortunately, both dogs made it back to shore without crashing through the ice and my "headline" remains unwritten. 

Today, after a couple of days of high temperatures and sunshine, the ice is completely gone.  Maddie and Molly again made a mad dash for the pond, and with only a second hesitation, splashed mightily into the water.....this time they're on their rescue needed....I don't swim as well as either one of them.

I certainly hope this weather continues, and we usher in an early Spring.  Our first calf of the season arrived this week and was greeted with near perfect conditions.....only 15 more calves to go....Surely they'll all be just as lucky, but what do I know.

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