Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"We" need to get that garden planted.....

"I think we should put in a garden this year" she said.....

Uh oh, here we go again, and I'm pretty sure that the word "we" will translate into a fair amount of work for "me".  "Yes Dear" I replied with all the enthusiasm I could muster. Of course that was months ago, and I hadn't really given it much thought since.

"We need to get some topsoil brought in so we can get that "raised-bed" garden started." she said....

Again, notice the liberal use of the word "we". So, I dutifully ordered a couple of loads of topsoil that was delivered last week. Then, I went to the lumber yard to buy the 2X12s needed to build the sidewalls for the "raised-bed" garden. Notice that this is turning into a construction project in addition to a gardening project.

"We'll definitely need to put a fence around the garden to keep out the rabbits, raccoons, and deer." she said.....

"I'll use the old dog kennel fencing, and just buy a couple of additional panels so it will be large enough to encircle the "raised-bed" garden." I replied, as I pondered how much those fresh tomatoes, peppers, and assorted other vegetables were going to cost per pound!

To date I've spent $300 for topsoil, $100 for lumber, $100 for fencing, and I've yet to commence construction on the actual gardening project. Meanwhile the cows need feeding, the calves need to be monitored, my clients are demanding my immediate attention, the rural water line needs to be hooked up, and the clock is ticking toward getting a garden planted......

I began to formulate a plan, and said, "Perhaps this weekend we can get everything completed and the ground prepped for the seeds to go in the ground. With the two of us working, I'll bet we can have it done by Sunday evening. What's that Dear?"

"Remember, I'm going to leave for Kansas City on Friday, and won't be home until Tuesday." she said as she began to pack......

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Just an old man's perspective.....

First, let me be clear about something.....when I was young I was driven to be the best.

In sports, I wanted to be the best, but never quite was. In school, I wanted to be at the top of the class, but never quite made it. In business, I wanted to rise to the top, but never quite did. Boy, that sounds as though life has been one disappointment after another......

That's not the case at all, they were simply choices.

At some point reality set in, and I realized that there are limitations to what one accomplishes in life. Some are physical, some are mental, some are influences from sources beyond our control, and sometimes the limitations are self-imposed.

Age tends to put these things in perspective. Yes, I probably could have achieved more had I been willing to work a little harder, but that would have required sacrifices that I wasn't willing to make. There was a point early in my career when I felt that work was the most important thing there was. After all, it was the means to provide the "quality of life" we were striving to attain.......really?

Then, the kids came along. It took awhile, but soon the job was requiring sacrifices that affected the "quality of life" we were striving for as a family. Still, the career demanded that choices be made......

Do I take that transfer to the international division......the chance to really advance in the company? The answer was easy, my family came first and work took a back seat. The decision was no!
Do I continue to perform duties that I find distasteful just to keep my paycheck, or do I speak out against the policies? My integrity commanded me to speak, so I did!

A career change was soon required, but where do I start. I turned to my faith and friends, and soon things were back on track!

A few years ago my annual physical identified some areas of concern. Suddenly, health became an important part of my life, for without your health everything else is at risk. Do I change my lifestyle or continue as I always have? The choice is easy, make the change.

Life is full of sacrifices, and choices. Some of mine appeared difficult at the time, but as I look back they shouldn't have been that hard. Had I considered the truly important things in life, Family, Faith, Friends, Health, and Integrity the answers would have been crystal clear. Or at least I now believe that to be the case......but after all, What Do I Know.

The five balls of life story is from James Patterson's book, Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. He didn't include Faith, which I've added to the mix......how can you not include Faith in every decision.