Monday, December 28, 2015

Idle hands...

It's Monday, the start of the first week after Christmas. The weather outside is a nasty mixture of freezing rain, sleet, and snow, but inside the house it's a comfortable 72 degrees. I usually take a few days of vacation at this time of the year, and this year is no exception. It's a dead week as far as work goes anyway, so why not take advantage of the time.

Unfortunately I'm not a very good idler, and after a few hours of doing nothing, I'm ready to find something productive to do. Right now I've just returned from pacing through the house, sat down to check emails, browse the Facebook activity, and find something that will keep me out of harm's way in the kitchen where Miss Elizabeth is busy preparing a big pot of chili for the evening meal.

I've already checked the livestock, filled the birdfeeders. walked to the mailbox, and fiddled around with the TV remote, searching for anything "remotely" interesting on the 150+ channels of High Definition programming.....reminder to self, why do we subscribe to this junk??

The house seems to echo whenever either of the current occupants makes a sound. Somehow. after a few days of kids and grandkids celebrating a grand Christmas here at the ranch, the silence is almost as unsettling as was the near constant buzz of activity and laughter. The whirlwind of activity created by seven grandkids (ages 10 and below) is breathtaking.....especially for a grumpy old man like me. But, oh, how I miss each and every one of them when the depart. Like all Grandpas, I guess my bark is worse than my bite, and the grandkids see right through the gruff façade.

Well, it's nearly 3:00pm.....almost through the first day of my week long vacation. Time for another pass around the house.....stir the chili.....maybe even sneak a taste when her head is turned.....

Geez, what's that old adage about "idle hands....."

Oh well, tomorrow's another day, followed by another, and another, and another......but what do I know!

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